Thursday 11 October 2012

Target Audience Questionnaire is complete

Our target audience questionnaire is complete

This questionnaire is target audience questionnaire and will be used to get answers to questions of which will help to make our content more enjoyable and accessible to our target audience. When creating the questionnaire a lot of thought went into the order of the questions and the selection of them, hopefully this will help us get the answers we need.

The questions in that ask the participant about how they access news is useful as it tells us what platforms to focus on when displaying out content, as well as this we learn the tendencies of our target audience so we can focus on more efficient ways to make our content accessible to our target audience. Asking the participant what kind of news they enjoy is a good way to think of alternative subjects to include in our news channel, making our content more diverse. At the end the participant is asked whether they enjoy the theatre and how often they go, I added this question because I felt it was important to know how interested the participant was in the arts and the theatre because the arts is an area our news channel focuses heavily on.


MLN Questionnaire
Tick the correct boxes
How often do you watch the news?

Never            1-2 times a week           3-4 times a week         5-6 times a week          Every day

At what time do you usually watch the news?

6:00am         12:00pm         8:00pm         10:00pm          24 hour news 

What type of news are you interested in?

Showbiz             International               Local                    Sports              Arts              Political

How do you accesses News 

TV                         newspaper                           Internet

Do you enjoy going to the theatre

Yes                    No

How often do you go to the theatre?

Once a year                 Once a Month              Once every two weeks             Once a week


We decided to make a video diary of the questionnaire to show what are target audience are like. We recoreded six people three boys and three girls to get an even amount. Four out of six people said that they enjoyed going to the theatre however they went to the theatre an average of two times per year due to cost as the decent seats at the theatre can be costly.

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