Monday 12 November 2012

Scripting and Planning

James here,

Getting feedback on our title sequence, some additions will have to be made (i. e. speed up visuals), meanwhile, starting to film our news package. Exterior shots of London city (Marble Arch, Oxford Street, Tottenham Court Road) for our introduction.

Researching existing news packages and listing the shots gave us an idea of what to storyboard, with this planning locations and script will follow. To pace the filming and script in a continuos flow is essential to address the information to the audience clearly with visuals both from recording and graphics.

Researching facts related to our topic (The incline of theatre production; from the silver screens to the stage) why the multiplex cinema now converting to theatre productions and vice versa. For this we will need:

Examples of adaptations
Interviews (noddies) with the general public with their views
Any connections with theatres
Ratings and reviews

The group feels our chosen topic for our news package is appropriate due to variety of opinions from different generations, facts and figures and the many branches that can link with one another.

James out  

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