Thursday 22 November 2012

Existing News Package Research

After doing the genre and audience research, we thought that we should look at existing examples of BBC News Packages. We looked carefully at all aspects of the sequence looking at the layout and timing of the images. To get a better view of the layout of the sequences, we looked at various packages and we looked at the similarities which they all shared. Most of the examples we looked at were of the same genre or directed to the same audience as our news package. Here are some of the links to the news packages we looked at.

1. We felt that this was a good news package to follow as it has the same audience as we wanted our news package to have. We felt that the news package kept the audience engaged during the whole duration of the video and this is what we wanted as a group.

2. This second video was just for some sort of idea of how the news package should be set out chronoligically.


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