Thursday 15 November 2012

News package script research

I thought it was only right to look at different ways of writing a news package script according to this website this is one way in which you produce a news package script

The website says writing a script should be the final step in creating an entire news package. News packages need to have a beginning, middle, and an end, as well as characters. 

Here are the steps in creating a script:
  1. Separate the script into two columns. On the left side, write video. On the right side, audio. Because you are writing for a visual medium, it is vital to separate out what the audience will see and what they will hear.
  2. Choose sound bytes that are emotional, provide an interesting opinion, or help your story along. As you choose these sound bytes, mark the time on the tape next to the sound byte you write out so the editor can find it easily.
  3. Write voice-overs that you, the reporter, will say to push the story along. The voice-overs should not stick out, but rather sound natural with the story.  
  4. Weave sound bytes and voice-overs together to create a cohesive audio section to your story.
  5. Find places to put natural sound, which is strongly connected with video.
  6. Write down video you have that complement the audio. You will have a large selection from shooting B-Roll in the field. Mark times next to the video so the editor can find it easily.
  7. Read over your script and make sure it sounds natural, follows the guidelines of a story, and is easy to read so the editor will have an easier time editing it later.
  8. Once the script is completed you are ready to go into the sound booth and record your voice-overs.
I think this website is useful because it gives you specific detailed steps to creating a news package script.

One this website (PDF document) i found an example of a news package script

This example seems to follow the steps in the guide as it is written in two columns where the left side has the editing, transitions, times, dates sounds etc and the right side has the monologue and stage directions. 


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