Sunday 4 November 2012

Audience Research

Since from the beginning of my A2 Media Studies Course until now I have been conducting a large, and thorough amount of research. This research consists of looking at existing examples of news packages which are within a similar field of the genre of our news idea of an creative arts/theatre topic. Throughout my research I noticed that these several news packages could be categorized in its own way, whether it would be by genre, audience, register, formality etc. So I conducted even further and more detailed research on how each channel was created and developed to mould into each of these categories. So I created a chart to show this:

Looking at this I saw that even though all of these stations were fairly successful, because of the way they pitch the product to their target audience, there were some similarities. Stations which appeal to both audiences seemed to be most favourable between both the older and younger audiences, such as ITV. Programmes such as the X Factor appeal to both audiences. This mean that there be a higher probability of a collective audience. But then again programmes just for younger audiences are also highly successful. From this I realized that our news package in order to be a successful and high quality package it must be we fitted to its audience.


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