Tuesday 13 November 2012

Back to work

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th

A news package is a self-contained taped news report. Usually, the news anchor will read an introduction live, then the pre-recorded story will be shown.

A common part of a news package is the appearance of a reporter talking into the camera. This is called a "standup" because the reporter is often seen standing in front of the camera on the scene of the story.

Today we looked at the common features in a new package, the structure of a news package and frame of shots:

  • Background information of the story with a voice over
  • Emphasis on particular points (through the reporters voice)
  • Clear concise words
  • Zooms into story focus (e.g. persons face)
  • Interview with family member= (if necessary) to bring the audience in and get a better understanding of what sort of person is (the victim usually)
  • Subtitle strip to introduce who he/she are
  • Closer framing 
  • Branding on screen (logo)
  • Facts and statistics= to back up your story, evidence
  • Maps of where it happens= evidence to backup you're story
  • Noddy= this is when the camera switches back and forth between the interviewer and the interviewee
  • Standing in a related location (e.g. new scotland yard)
  • Selecting the appropriate mise-en-scene to fit in with your story
The order of the News package: 

  • Intro
  • First interview= the first person gives opinion and how it affects them 
  • Extra shots/illustrative footage
  • fact and statistics
  • Vox pop
  • Up-sum (conclusion)

Advance Production Portfolio: Television News Package Proposal

We as a group have been developing our ideas for our news package, we decided to focus on the theatre for our new package as its different and hasn't ben done yet. We wanted to focus mainly on the increase in theatre production cost and in that talk about the increase in theatre tickets as well as the adaptation from multiplex cinema screenings to broadway production and the cost of these productions in comparison to the more traditional productions.

We decided that we'd have two interviews one with a theatre expert that would know about the production side, as well as an interview with an up and coming actor actress that would knows about how its like to be an up and coming actor in the theatre industry now.

Suggested locations:

Big Ben
St Pauls
Tower Bridge
London Bridge


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