Tuesday 18 December 2012

Wix Website Link


Thabani Miles

Planning to film school pnatomime performance

Planning to film school pantomime performance

Gettings Tickets

In being able to get into the hall in which the performance will happen we had to acquire tickets. We have done this and will soon get permission to film the pantomime

Camera Position

When filming the pantomime we feel that having the camera at the back of the hall in the last row of seats to get the best angle.


In terms of lighting the stage has lighting facilities for the performance and these would be sufficient for our filming

Problems we might encounter 

  • People getting up from seats and ending up in shot
  • People talking
  • Battery power
  • Feedback

 Thabani Miles

Friday 14 December 2012

Website Progress

The Editing begins

After watching this vox pop from the BBC to understand how to edit the vox pops in a way that makes it look professional we've decided to reduce the amount of questions we ask from 5 to 3 just because we don't want the individual interviews to go on too long and we need to keep it to the key questions to prevent the interviewees from going on. We've also decided to have a maximum of 3 vox pops this way we have a variety of people as well as a balanced argument. 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Progress on Youtube Page

At the beginning of the year we were advised to create a Youtube Page to move our project to several different platforms in order to gain a higher amount of grades. So we decided to create a Youtube page in which we would upload any form of video content that we had produced. Below I have posted the link:

         Since the 16th of September of 2012, which is when we created it, we have uploaded a total          
         of 5 videos to worldwide Youtube. As of total we have few views but we knew that this    
         would not be an interest of ours since this is for educational purposes, however we have
         been getting attention from Youtubers, them sending advice via the Youtube inbox.      
         Our most recent upload has been the second version of the Modern London News video    
         This is a screenshot of the cover of our Youtube page.
         Here is another screenshot of the analytics of our Youtube page



Monday 10 December 2012


On Saturday 8th December, James, Joycelyn and Ollie went to film in Piccadilly.

What we ‘planned’ to achieve
What we ‘did’ achieve
·         Filler shots of Piccadilly, Leicester  Square and Covent Garden
·         Vox-pops of at least 5-6 people as we needed a variety of different people that had an interest in theatre
·         Reporters news package: introducing the concept of the package and how it has a huge role in British society

·         Vox-pop although we only managed to film 4 even though we interviewed 5 people this was due to technical difficulties.

The journey to our filming destination was some what delayed due to Ollie's time keeping issues. When we reached our destination, it was far more busier than we excepted it to be and so made our filler-shots far more difficult.

The weather added to the delay to the camera work, too cold to operate the equipment and standing around was far more difficult as our toes and fingers became numb. The batteries of the microphone were dead so finding a place 'Boots' where they sold batteries. The SLR camera as well as was dying of battery life which made timing limited.

Gathering the public to answer our Vox-pops was a changeling as people weren't keen as they misinterpreted our intentions. First interview we did was a foreign man, although we wasn't a fan of theatre but he showed knowledge in cinema, however Ollie did not press 'record' on the camera and so no footage was captured for that interview.

It took us a good few minutes for us to interview another person, once again as people seemed to ignore us. The next interviewee was an older gentleman how showed more knowledge and interest in theatre. The record of their voice seemed too quiet for the camera to quick up and so we used the mic to project his answers.

The next person we interviewed was young lady who seemed very kneed to answer our questions which was an advantage for us as their question had more depth. The young girl had a good knowledge as she had connections with the theatre world as well as cinema. When asking the questions to do with why she preferred theatre to cinema, she explained how theatre was 'personal' compared to cinema.

Our next candidate was a tourist, he answered the questions with moderate knowledge of theatre and cinema however, an interference occurred in the background - a homeless gentleman was parading through the garbage next to us and so appeared in the shot.

Our last person we interviewed, was a young gentleman in his mid-teens answered our questions with great fluency. This was our best interview as he had great understanding of theatre and cinemas and also commented on how theatre was again more 'personal' than cinema.

Although we asked the questions some of them had to be scraped to avoid confusion.

Since filming did not go to plan we decided to re-film on Sunday 16th December at an early time of 10am this is because central London isn't as busy on sundays as it is on saturdays especially at an early time of 10am. As well as people aren't in such a rush around this time and so will be more willing to contribute to our vox-pops and also there wont be as much unwanted diegetic noise within our footage.

Joycelyn and James


Recently after going through older blogs I have noticed that my introduction isn't there for some reason, so I have decided to write another one. My role in the group is summarized technical maintenance, this includes maintaining and updating Twitter and Youtube. I thought that this was a good role to take as I had practised this from last year in my AS Media Studies course and apply   these skills to the A2 course. I am hoping to improve these skills in the A2 course.


Intro script


There are many forms of entertainment with London including museums, art galleries, ice skating, the different cultural events such as the French market, Winter Winter Wonderland and many more. One of the most cultural forms of entertainment are Theatre Productions.

Footage: From the early stages of William Shakespear in the global theatre, stage productions have been an important fragment of British culture. Whether it be the grand London Palladium or the classic Queen Victoria Theatre, an array of plays are shown creating many emotional responses. 

Filming The Les Miserable Film Premier

Filming Les Miserable premier

On December 5th I attended and acquired footage of the Les Miserable film premier, as the crowds were quite large and we had arrived closer to the time of the actual arrival of the celebrities we had been caught behind a large crowd so we had to use the tripod as a periscope peering over the crowd. we were able to get footage of  Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway while meeting fans and signing autographs. When Sascha Baron Cohen Had arrived unfortunately while filming him our camera battery had run out, so in future we have learnt to make sure our camera battery is full and to split the footage more.

One more important lesson I have learnt for future filming of premiers is to get there earlier as the next day we found out that there were more celebrities that attended earlier that we had missed.


Group Vlog

As a group we were suggested to film a video blog including and introducing our group. We would then post it to the World Wide Web via Youtube and Twitter. In the video blog we talked about what we had done so far and why explaining why we had done it. In the blog we gave our case studies of theatre and the audience and genre we were aiming for. We also discuss our progress in the news package and the difficulties which we have encountered so far and what we are aiming to improve on.
