Monday 10 December 2012


On Saturday 8th December, James, Joycelyn and Ollie went to film in Piccadilly.

What we ‘planned’ to achieve
What we ‘did’ achieve
·         Filler shots of Piccadilly, Leicester  Square and Covent Garden
·         Vox-pops of at least 5-6 people as we needed a variety of different people that had an interest in theatre
·         Reporters news package: introducing the concept of the package and how it has a huge role in British society

·         Vox-pop although we only managed to film 4 even though we interviewed 5 people this was due to technical difficulties.

The journey to our filming destination was some what delayed due to Ollie's time keeping issues. When we reached our destination, it was far more busier than we excepted it to be and so made our filler-shots far more difficult.

The weather added to the delay to the camera work, too cold to operate the equipment and standing around was far more difficult as our toes and fingers became numb. The batteries of the microphone were dead so finding a place 'Boots' where they sold batteries. The SLR camera as well as was dying of battery life which made timing limited.

Gathering the public to answer our Vox-pops was a changeling as people weren't keen as they misinterpreted our intentions. First interview we did was a foreign man, although we wasn't a fan of theatre but he showed knowledge in cinema, however Ollie did not press 'record' on the camera and so no footage was captured for that interview.

It took us a good few minutes for us to interview another person, once again as people seemed to ignore us. The next interviewee was an older gentleman how showed more knowledge and interest in theatre. The record of their voice seemed too quiet for the camera to quick up and so we used the mic to project his answers.

The next person we interviewed was young lady who seemed very kneed to answer our questions which was an advantage for us as their question had more depth. The young girl had a good knowledge as she had connections with the theatre world as well as cinema. When asking the questions to do with why she preferred theatre to cinema, she explained how theatre was 'personal' compared to cinema.

Our next candidate was a tourist, he answered the questions with moderate knowledge of theatre and cinema however, an interference occurred in the background - a homeless gentleman was parading through the garbage next to us and so appeared in the shot.

Our last person we interviewed, was a young gentleman in his mid-teens answered our questions with great fluency. This was our best interview as he had great understanding of theatre and cinemas and also commented on how theatre was again more 'personal' than cinema.

Although we asked the questions some of them had to be scraped to avoid confusion.

Since filming did not go to plan we decided to re-film on Sunday 16th December at an early time of 10am this is because central London isn't as busy on sundays as it is on saturdays especially at an early time of 10am. As well as people aren't in such a rush around this time and so will be more willing to contribute to our vox-pops and also there wont be as much unwanted diegetic noise within our footage.

Joycelyn and James

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