Monday 10 December 2012

Filming The Les Miserable Film Premier

Filming Les Miserable premier

On December 5th I attended and acquired footage of the Les Miserable film premier, as the crowds were quite large and we had arrived closer to the time of the actual arrival of the celebrities we had been caught behind a large crowd so we had to use the tripod as a periscope peering over the crowd. we were able to get footage of  Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway while meeting fans and signing autographs. When Sascha Baron Cohen Had arrived unfortunately while filming him our camera battery had run out, so in future we have learnt to make sure our camera battery is full and to split the footage more.

One more important lesson I have learnt for future filming of premiers is to get there earlier as the next day we found out that there were more celebrities that attended earlier that we had missed.


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