Monday 24 September 2012

Exploring London for inspiration Avec James

Location: Brick lane

We decided to go to brick lane because its an area with variety of different people and cultures as so we knew that there would be unique displays of art around the area.



Walking into Brick Lane we saw a variety of street art. It allowed us to see that art can be found in a wide range of places and not just galleries. This imaginative piece of graffiti shows us the link between cinema and art, this proves how cinema is a unique form of visual communication. Many people may see graffiti as form of vandalism however, some many see it as advertising. For example: in this picture you can see how the vibrant colours attracts many citizens to occurring events. Visiting brick lane helped us to understand that there's a lot more to art than what is seen in museums and galleries. This experience helped us to see that our news website needed to inform our target audience of all forms of art including street art and how it benefits our society in that it allows us to publicly express our opinions in a creative way.


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