Thursday 20 September 2012

Logo Ideas

James here,

After researching multiple logos from contemporary news programs, we picked the traditional colour scheme - red, blue and white, also the colours of the Union Jack. From choosing the contrast of colours, red against white, blue with white - we decided to change the colour scheme. 

Here are the concept designs of our logo, choosing MLN as our brand (Modern London News). Purple and grey seemed to be a good contrast to use, also using a colour scheme which was unique. We immediately chose not to allow 3D text as it gave an unprofessional approach, making the font simple was our main priority.

Our final design, the pixelated arrow fitted both with our era of technology, easy to mass produce if necessary and animate. The arrow has many symbols: 'play', 'forward' or sense of direction. As an arrow is commonly shown in everyday life, however, adding our twist, portrays a distinctive emblem.
 Using Anime Studio Debute, similar to Adobe Flash, applying basic text, shapes and motion was fairly simple. Using the built-in pin-point motion, animating this was a 'drag and drop' task. This animation will appear at the end of the sequence.

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