Tuesday 18 December 2012

Wix Website Link


Thabani Miles

Planning to film school pnatomime performance

Planning to film school pantomime performance

Gettings Tickets

In being able to get into the hall in which the performance will happen we had to acquire tickets. We have done this and will soon get permission to film the pantomime

Camera Position

When filming the pantomime we feel that having the camera at the back of the hall in the last row of seats to get the best angle.


In terms of lighting the stage has lighting facilities for the performance and these would be sufficient for our filming

Problems we might encounter 

  • People getting up from seats and ending up in shot
  • People talking
  • Battery power
  • Feedback

 Thabani Miles

Friday 14 December 2012

Website Progress

The Editing begins

After watching this vox pop from the BBC to understand how to edit the vox pops in a way that makes it look professional we've decided to reduce the amount of questions we ask from 5 to 3 just because we don't want the individual interviews to go on too long and we need to keep it to the key questions to prevent the interviewees from going on. We've also decided to have a maximum of 3 vox pops this way we have a variety of people as well as a balanced argument. 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Progress on Youtube Page

At the beginning of the year we were advised to create a Youtube Page to move our project to several different platforms in order to gain a higher amount of grades. So we decided to create a Youtube page in which we would upload any form of video content that we had produced. Below I have posted the link:

         Since the 16th of September of 2012, which is when we created it, we have uploaded a total          
         of 5 videos to worldwide Youtube. As of total we have few views but we knew that this    
         would not be an interest of ours since this is for educational purposes, however we have
         been getting attention from Youtubers, them sending advice via the Youtube inbox.      
         Our most recent upload has been the second version of the Modern London News video    
         This is a screenshot of the cover of our Youtube page.
         Here is another screenshot of the analytics of our Youtube page



Monday 10 December 2012


On Saturday 8th December, James, Joycelyn and Ollie went to film in Piccadilly.

What we ‘planned’ to achieve
What we ‘did’ achieve
·         Filler shots of Piccadilly, Leicester  Square and Covent Garden
·         Vox-pops of at least 5-6 people as we needed a variety of different people that had an interest in theatre
·         Reporters news package: introducing the concept of the package and how it has a huge role in British society

·         Vox-pop although we only managed to film 4 even though we interviewed 5 people this was due to technical difficulties.

The journey to our filming destination was some what delayed due to Ollie's time keeping issues. When we reached our destination, it was far more busier than we excepted it to be and so made our filler-shots far more difficult.

The weather added to the delay to the camera work, too cold to operate the equipment and standing around was far more difficult as our toes and fingers became numb. The batteries of the microphone were dead so finding a place 'Boots' where they sold batteries. The SLR camera as well as was dying of battery life which made timing limited.

Gathering the public to answer our Vox-pops was a changeling as people weren't keen as they misinterpreted our intentions. First interview we did was a foreign man, although we wasn't a fan of theatre but he showed knowledge in cinema, however Ollie did not press 'record' on the camera and so no footage was captured for that interview.

It took us a good few minutes for us to interview another person, once again as people seemed to ignore us. The next interviewee was an older gentleman how showed more knowledge and interest in theatre. The record of their voice seemed too quiet for the camera to quick up and so we used the mic to project his answers.

The next person we interviewed was young lady who seemed very kneed to answer our questions which was an advantage for us as their question had more depth. The young girl had a good knowledge as she had connections with the theatre world as well as cinema. When asking the questions to do with why she preferred theatre to cinema, she explained how theatre was 'personal' compared to cinema.

Our next candidate was a tourist, he answered the questions with moderate knowledge of theatre and cinema however, an interference occurred in the background - a homeless gentleman was parading through the garbage next to us and so appeared in the shot.

Our last person we interviewed, was a young gentleman in his mid-teens answered our questions with great fluency. This was our best interview as he had great understanding of theatre and cinemas and also commented on how theatre was again more 'personal' than cinema.

Although we asked the questions some of them had to be scraped to avoid confusion.

Since filming did not go to plan we decided to re-film on Sunday 16th December at an early time of 10am this is because central London isn't as busy on sundays as it is on saturdays especially at an early time of 10am. As well as people aren't in such a rush around this time and so will be more willing to contribute to our vox-pops and also there wont be as much unwanted diegetic noise within our footage.

Joycelyn and James


Recently after going through older blogs I have noticed that my introduction isn't there for some reason, so I have decided to write another one. My role in the group is summarized technical maintenance, this includes maintaining and updating Twitter and Youtube. I thought that this was a good role to take as I had practised this from last year in my AS Media Studies course and apply   these skills to the A2 course. I am hoping to improve these skills in the A2 course.


Intro script


There are many forms of entertainment with London including museums, art galleries, ice skating, the different cultural events such as the French market, Winter Winter Wonderland and many more. One of the most cultural forms of entertainment are Theatre Productions.

Footage: From the early stages of William Shakespear in the global theatre, stage productions have been an important fragment of British culture. Whether it be the grand London Palladium or the classic Queen Victoria Theatre, an array of plays are shown creating many emotional responses. 

Filming The Les Miserable Film Premier

Filming Les Miserable premier

On December 5th I attended and acquired footage of the Les Miserable film premier, as the crowds were quite large and we had arrived closer to the time of the actual arrival of the celebrities we had been caught behind a large crowd so we had to use the tripod as a periscope peering over the crowd. we were able to get footage of  Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway while meeting fans and signing autographs. When Sascha Baron Cohen Had arrived unfortunately while filming him our camera battery had run out, so in future we have learnt to make sure our camera battery is full and to split the footage more.

One more important lesson I have learnt for future filming of premiers is to get there earlier as the next day we found out that there were more celebrities that attended earlier that we had missed.


Group Vlog

As a group we were suggested to film a video blog including and introducing our group. We would then post it to the World Wide Web via Youtube and Twitter. In the video blog we talked about what we had done so far and why explaining why we had done it. In the blog we gave our case studies of theatre and the audience and genre we were aiming for. We also discuss our progress in the news package and the difficulties which we have encountered so far and what we are aiming to improve on.


Wednesday 28 November 2012

News website research

Here on the BBC News website we see a block format used with a headline for the article and a sentence or two form the article used to give key information on the article. this is effective because as well as getting the important information about the news story this structure also allows the user to decide on which article to read at a glance. Another useful feature of this structure is being able to put the bigger stories at the top of the page and can also show the more recent stories.
Here on the Sky News website there is a very interesting feature. at the bottom of the page a 'Breaking News' banner which updates immediatley showing the most recent stories and links to a full article. Although this is a very interesting mechanic I dont think it is siutable for our website.
Here on the ITV News website a different format is used. This website semms to divide the web page in two, the top of the page shows the latest news stories with a headline underneath. the second part of the page has a hub in which the user can click on news titles for a full news story but the first tab has a page called 'Live News Stream.' This updates immediately with the most recent news story.


News Package planning

What we need to include:

Figures/ graphs: This is important as it makes the news package look more professional as well as providing audience with evidence which gives an indication of peoples preferences.

Graphics: to boost the appearance of the news package, making it as professional as the BBC news packages. It also keeps the audience intrigued but we dont want to use a large amount of graphics as it can also distract the audience.

The public: interviewing the public on their opinions of current theatre productions as well as asking them questions for the vox pops such as-

  • How often they go to the theatre and why(?)
  • If the prices were lower would you go more often(?)
  • Their views on movies becoming theatre productions(?)
  • What do you think has more reputation cinema or theatre(?)
  • How often do they go to the cinemas(?)
  • How do you feel about rising cinema prices(?)
  • Would you prefer to go to the cinema or the theatre and why(?)
tt    This also gives the audience the publics opinion and makes it seem less bias and more well rounded.

Examples of theatres: comparison of the costs of productions at each theatre.

Highest grossing production: explain its significance to our news package story including graphs and charts. also look at the costs of the production in comparison to other recently released productions.

The Reporter: Nelson Timson (played by James T.) -Needs to wear a suit to make him look professional and believable.
Camera person: Joycelyn
Sound: Thabani


This will help enhance the reporters voice making it clearer amongst the noise of the public

                                              Canon Camcorder:
To record footage of the reporter walking along the streets reporting the news, as well as capturing footage of the audience during the vox pops.

                                                Nikon SLR:
This will be used as a backup camera in case the canon runs out of battery, we will also use it to take pictures of the scenery for the blog as well as our website for articles or a photo gallery. 

                                               Voice recorder:
We will use the voice recorder as a microphone to record the public during the vox pops, this will enhance their voices making it clearer for the audience to here the thoughts on the questions being asked.


From stage to screen

Since our news package is based on the increase of adaptation of multiplex screenings to theatre productions, researching existing and coming-up adaptations will help us on planning scripts and the news package for examples.

A list of stage to screen:

Rabbit Hole
One Flow Over the Cuckoo's Nest
A Street Car Named Desire
The Sound of Music
West Side Story

For more 'up to date' examples

Les Miserables
Mouse Trap
Mama Mia!
Hair Spray
Rock of Ages
War Horse

Now from screen to stage:
Lion King
Merry Poppins
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

We plan to be at the Premiere of Les Miserables (December 2012) in London, Leicester square.  

James Timson

Thursday 22 November 2012

Vox Pops Questions and planning

Vox Pops Questions and planning
Things to have answers to (Questions):
·         How often they go to the theatre and why(?)
·         If the prices were lower would you go more often(?)
·         Their views on movies becoming theatre productions(?)
·         What do you think has more reputation cinema or theatre(?)
·         How often do they go to the cinemas(?)
·         How do you feel about rising cinema prices(?)
·         Would you prefer to go to the cinema or the theatre and why(?)

These questions have been decided on within our group on the topic we chose to base our news
package on. We plan to ask pedestrians within the central london area of different ages and
ethnicities although seeing as our target audience ranges from around 16-40 we feel interviewing
people we believe are within this age range. We plan to edit the multiple interviews like the
existing 'Vox Pop's' within news packages.

An example of a Vox Pop structure we would like to use.

Location ideas

When looking at possible locations to film the vox pops we thought it was important to look at areas
in which we would not be in other people way as well as filming infront of important theatre related
locations,  this would rule out filming in Covent Garden. 

list of possible locations we have is:
Leicester Square
Charing Cross Station
Covent Gardens
Piccadilly Circus

Here is a route we have though of taking.

Thabani and James.

News Package editing research

Typical things within a news package

B-roll is random video of things related to you topic. For example, a story about a local school could have shots of the school's exterior, kids walking through the hall, etc. The closer it relates to the subject matter of the story the better for all involved. A common type of b-roll is called as establishing shot. It is usually the exterior of a location of significance to the story.

If possible, have your shot set up and the sound levels adjusted before the subject gets there. Your subject should have a drink availible in case his throat goes dry from the lights or nervousness. Don’t be afraid to look away from your list of questions and have a conversation. Look the subject in the eye. The more relaxed the subject is, the better the interview. Make sure to thank them when it’s over and offer them a copy of the finished product. You may need them again.

On-Screen Talent: Get shots of the reporter introducing, transitioning, or concluding the presentation of content within a story. These are sometimes performed live on-air over the final edit, but usually are recorded in the field. Try and limit these to two or three, as a narrative voice over  your b-roll will resonate with your audience more than a talking head. For the introduction try and incorporate pans, zooms, or dolly shots to bring people into the segment.


  1. Go through the interviews and find the best two to three sound bites  (a small snippet of speech that puts across the main point of a statement) from each one.  
  2. Take these bites and organize them in a sensible order. Group bites that address the same subject together.
  3. Write down the voice-overs that will best convey the information. Record these and import the clips onto your timeline. 
  4. Group the bits of voice-over with the clips of the interviews they relate to.
  5. Import your transitions and place them on a new timeline, spacing them as needed. Place your clips between the appropriate transitions. Play each placement and make sure it flows together like a narrative.
  6. Any jump cuts (cuts between separate moments in the same steady shot) need to be covered. At this point you import appropriate b-roll and cover any awkward edits.
  7. Add any music you might use as well as any on-screen text or graphics you may need and export the project.

Existing News Package Research

After doing the genre and audience research, we thought that we should look at existing examples of BBC News Packages. We looked carefully at all aspects of the sequence looking at the layout and timing of the images. To get a better view of the layout of the sequences, we looked at various packages and we looked at the similarities which they all shared. Most of the examples we looked at were of the same genre or directed to the same audience as our news package. Here are some of the links to the news packages we looked at.

1. We felt that this was a good news package to follow as it has the same audience as we wanted our news package to have. We felt that the news package kept the audience engaged during the whole duration of the video and this is what we wanted as a group.

2. This second video was just for some sort of idea of how the news package should be set out chronoligically.


Thursday 15 November 2012

News package script research

I thought it was only right to look at different ways of writing a news package script according to this website http://guidetopublicwriting.weebly.com/news-package-scripts.html this is one way in which you produce a news package script

The website says writing a script should be the final step in creating an entire news package. News packages need to have a beginning, middle, and an end, as well as characters. 

Here are the steps in creating a script:
  1. Separate the script into two columns. On the left side, write video. On the right side, audio. Because you are writing for a visual medium, it is vital to separate out what the audience will see and what they will hear.
  2. Choose sound bytes that are emotional, provide an interesting opinion, or help your story along. As you choose these sound bytes, mark the time on the tape next to the sound byte you write out so the editor can find it easily.
  3. Write voice-overs that you, the reporter, will say to push the story along. The voice-overs should not stick out, but rather sound natural with the story.  
  4. Weave sound bytes and voice-overs together to create a cohesive audio section to your story.
  5. Find places to put natural sound, which is strongly connected with video.
  6. Write down video you have that complement the audio. You will have a large selection from shooting B-Roll in the field. Mark times next to the video so the editor can find it easily.
  7. Read over your script and make sure it sounds natural, follows the guidelines of a story, and is easy to read so the editor will have an easier time editing it later.
  8. Once the script is completed you are ready to go into the sound booth and record your voice-overs.
I think this website is useful because it gives you specific detailed steps to creating a news package script.

One this website (PDF document) i found an example of a news package script

This example seems to follow the steps in the guide as it is written in two columns where the left side has the editing, transitions, times, dates sounds etc and the right side has the monologue and stage directions. 


Market Research

Since our News package focuses on 'The adaptation between multiplex screenings to theatre productions' I decided to research the costs of theatre productions as it will link in with the idea of our news package because we'll be able to compare the price of the production when it was in cinema to the price of the production when it was in theatre. 

The Stage:

The article on the stage talks about the average west end ticket prices and how it has gone down since 2010 but somehow seems to be increasing gradually.

  •  The report details a strong year for London theatre, with already announced record box office of more than £528 million and the third highest attendances since records began of 13.9
  •  Accoring to the article west End theatre tickets are now priced at an average of £46.40, a face value increase of 2.8% on the previous year, according to the Society of London Theatre’s Box Office Data Report for 2011.

According to The Stage:

This particular article discusses how Matilda the Musical’s forthcoming London transfer will employ a ‘unique’ producing model, marking the first time the Royal Shakespeare Company has produced commercially in the West End without a business partner.

Questions and Answers on: http://thelondontheatre.com/6.html

discuss what costing when it comes to theatre hire and ticket sales and well as productions cost and how this can be a tricky it can be for them in such an economy.


Tuesday 13 November 2012

Inside the studio

James here,

Having contacts with the media world, visiting St Joseph's College in Mill Hill, where the successful BBC series Call the Midwife was being filmed. Having a personal tour around the abby, meeting the director, seeing actors such as Miranda Hart, and seeing the 40's style room from which they built from scratch.

Taking a tour with the locations advisor, she mentions how: 'The media industry is vast but yet risky, we have no fixed contacts with anyone in particular and have very little time to produce our work, one minute we could be here, the next, at the other side of the country."

Some of the artists within the company have had experience in the theatre field but we yet to ask questions with their opinion between multiplex screenings being adapted to theatre productions and vice versa.

This Wednesday we have an opportunity to witness a location being shot with the crew and are looking forward to it so.

James out.

Back to work

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th

A news package is a self-contained taped news report. Usually, the news anchor will read an introduction live, then the pre-recorded story will be shown.

A common part of a news package is the appearance of a reporter talking into the camera. This is called a "standup" because the reporter is often seen standing in front of the camera on the scene of the story.

Today we looked at the common features in a new package, the structure of a news package and frame of shots:

  • Background information of the story with a voice over
  • Emphasis on particular points (through the reporters voice)
  • Clear concise words
  • Zooms into story focus (e.g. persons face)
  • Interview with family member= (if necessary) to bring the audience in and get a better understanding of what sort of person is (the victim usually)
  • Subtitle strip to introduce who he/she are
  • Closer framing 
  • Branding on screen (logo)
  • Facts and statistics= to back up your story, evidence
  • Maps of where it happens= evidence to backup you're story
  • Noddy= this is when the camera switches back and forth between the interviewer and the interviewee
  • Standing in a related location (e.g. new scotland yard)
  • Selecting the appropriate mise-en-scene to fit in with your story
The order of the News package: 

  • Intro
  • First interview= the first person gives opinion and how it affects them 
  • Extra shots/illustrative footage
  • fact and statistics
  • Vox pop
  • Up-sum (conclusion)

Advance Production Portfolio: Television News Package Proposal

We as a group have been developing our ideas for our news package, we decided to focus on the theatre for our new package as its different and hasn't ben done yet. We wanted to focus mainly on the increase in theatre production cost and in that talk about the increase in theatre tickets as well as the adaptation from multiplex cinema screenings to broadway production and the cost of these productions in comparison to the more traditional productions.

We decided that we'd have two interviews one with a theatre expert that would know about the production side, as well as an interview with an up and coming actor actress that would knows about how its like to be an up and coming actor in the theatre industry now.

Suggested locations:

Big Ben
St Pauls
Tower Bridge
London Bridge


Monday 12 November 2012

Scripting and Planning

James here,

Getting feedback on our title sequence, some additions will have to be made (i. e. speed up visuals), meanwhile, starting to film our news package. Exterior shots of London city (Marble Arch, Oxford Street, Tottenham Court Road) for our introduction.

Researching existing news packages and listing the shots gave us an idea of what to storyboard, with this planning locations and script will follow. To pace the filming and script in a continuos flow is essential to address the information to the audience clearly with visuals both from recording and graphics.

Researching facts related to our topic (The incline of theatre production; from the silver screens to the stage) why the multiplex cinema now converting to theatre productions and vice versa. For this we will need:

Examples of adaptations
Interviews (noddies) with the general public with their views
Any connections with theatres
Ratings and reviews

The group feels our chosen topic for our news package is appropriate due to variety of opinions from different generations, facts and figures and the many branches that can link with one another.

James out  

Genre Research

In the process of creating our news package we ad to create a complete image which we wanted to show. We could choose the modern and youthful approach or a more traditional format with a formal view. So extensive research went into this as we knew this would be a very important angle which we had to cover as essentially this is what our whole package is going to really be like. So we thought about all different possibilities, its regional point (whether it would be local, regional or national news), the register (formal or informal), audience (class, background, age etc.) and if it is going to be topic specific (whether it would focus on a certain theme like sports or economy). As a group we discussed this thoroughly, exploring different alternatives and possible branches we could lead to. In the end we landed on a package which was aimed at the youth audience but which also appeal to older audiences, which was based on news from the region of London, we also wanted a formal look but not following a traditional format, we wanted a more upbeat type of news package. Finally we, as a group, decided that we should base our news broadcast on arts and theatre within London, as the recent rise of theatre ticket sales in London.


Sunday 4 November 2012

Audience Research

Since from the beginning of my A2 Media Studies Course until now I have been conducting a large, and thorough amount of research. This research consists of looking at existing examples of news packages which are within a similar field of the genre of our news idea of an creative arts/theatre topic. Throughout my research I noticed that these several news packages could be categorized in its own way, whether it would be by genre, audience, register, formality etc. So I conducted even further and more detailed research on how each channel was created and developed to mould into each of these categories. So I created a chart to show this:

Looking at this I saw that even though all of these stations were fairly successful, because of the way they pitch the product to their target audience, there were some similarities. Stations which appeal to both audiences seemed to be most favourable between both the older and younger audiences, such as ITV. Programmes such as the X Factor appeal to both audiences. This mean that there be a higher probability of a collective audience. But then again programmes just for younger audiences are also highly successful. From this I realized that our news package in order to be a successful and high quality package it must be we fitted to its audience.


Friday 26 October 2012

Tutorial To Using Garageband

When creating the Modern London News theme music I used these simple rules to help create it. Due to my knowledge of the programme through previous projects in Media, creating a simple jingle was straight forward.

Firstly, I browsed the existing loops to look for a bass melody, with a simple 'drag n drop' I placed the piece in a separate track. To control the track fading in and out, I used the 'Track volume' slider which allowed me to choose when I thought it appropriate to fade the track out. This technique was followed throughout the other tracks.

Once I had completed the music I saved it as an audion file and added this to the opening sequence.


Uploaded Opening Sequence

James here,

After hours on Motion 5, the first completed sequence is completed. Watching tutorials via youtube on how to function the complicated program did pay off. Now knowing the basics, I managed to form a simple yet effective sequence with an mp3 file, Jpegs, avi files and graphics within the program.

To watch the first draft of our title sequence, click on the hyperlink below

After reviewing the sequence, a lot of 'tinkering' is at hand. The timing: too slow however the graphics (the orb) came out with a great results, also the music is 'too up-beat' compared to our visual and has a gentle approach. However, as a first attempt on using Motion 5, I have learnt basic techniques to add layers, text, graphics and audio. 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Website is taking shape

MLN Website
After a change in the home page format the Modern London News website is beginning to take shape. The introduction of a block format including articles, pictures and videos has helped in making our website more professional and more effective. After looking at the BBC News website we discovered that this block format is better because it makes it possible for us to shows a small part of an article with a picture linking to the story. so the audience can be drawn into the story if it is something they are interested in, rather than having to look for news on the news page we found it more effective if we draw the audience to the news page.  


Friday 12 October 2012


James here,

From researching contempoary news openings, a quick concept design was created. Using graphical visuals which might be an issue with Adobe Premire as the program is fairly basic. The idea of multiple screens portrays the busy city of London. We limited ourselves with the colour scheme as most visuals do, in this case, purple and white. Researching programs to create the title sequence was useful; After Effects, Sony Vegas, Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5. These programs give us an advantage for the animation/graphical terms.

Animatic Storyboard - Opening sequence

James here,

After a few sketches, logo designs, and planning of location; a very rough idea of the visuals was made. The use of multiple screens can portray different meanings; the CCTV cameras or to capture the busy streets of London. Using imovie, allowed me to animate the camera positioning within the image, as well as inserting the music mp3 file and captions to inform the viewer what is occurring.

Due to the graphical advantages in Apple Motion 5, the concept idea will be easy to make, compare to Adobe Premier Elements on Windows PC.

The idea of the globe originated from BBC's intro from which we researched, also like BBC, limiting ourselves with the colour scheme with grey, white and purple. Most news broadcasts have patriotic colours: blue and red, to standout from this ever lasting chain, the unique choice of purple was decided.

Now to plan filming in the locations of decision (Houses of Parliament, London Eye, Gherkin, Globe Theatre, Tower Bridge, and The Shard)  

For the Youtube version, click on the link below


Thursday 11 October 2012

Anime Studio Debut Break down

James here,

Here is a quick run down on the program 'Anime Studio Debut'. Similar to paint, photoshop and Adobe Flash, the program was easy to use to animate the final logo. To animate, a simple drag 'n' drop is enabled in this program, meaning from where the object is in point A, where ever you place it further in the timeline, the shape will automatically move between the pin point.  

Thanks to the program the final outcome of the MLN logo was also completed, using a screenshot to cropping to only see the logo.   

Target Audience Questionnaire is complete

Our target audience questionnaire is complete

This questionnaire is target audience questionnaire and will be used to get answers to questions of which will help to make our content more enjoyable and accessible to our target audience. When creating the questionnaire a lot of thought went into the order of the questions and the selection of them, hopefully this will help us get the answers we need.

The questions in that ask the participant about how they access news is useful as it tells us what platforms to focus on when displaying out content, as well as this we learn the tendencies of our target audience so we can focus on more efficient ways to make our content accessible to our target audience. Asking the participant what kind of news they enjoy is a good way to think of alternative subjects to include in our news channel, making our content more diverse. At the end the participant is asked whether they enjoy the theatre and how often they go, I added this question because I felt it was important to know how interested the participant was in the arts and the theatre because the arts is an area our news channel focuses heavily on.


MLN Questionnaire
Tick the correct boxes
How often do you watch the news?

Never            1-2 times a week           3-4 times a week         5-6 times a week          Every day

At what time do you usually watch the news?

6:00am         12:00pm         8:00pm         10:00pm          24 hour news 

What type of news are you interested in?

Showbiz             International               Local                    Sports              Arts              Political

How do you accesses News 

TV                         newspaper                           Internet

Do you enjoy going to the theatre

Yes                    No

How often do you go to the theatre?

Once a year                 Once a Month              Once every two weeks             Once a week


We decided to make a video diary of the questionnaire to show what are target audience are like. We recoreded six people three boys and three girls to get an even amount. Four out of six people said that they enjoyed going to the theatre however they went to the theatre an average of two times per year due to cost as the decent seats at the theatre can be costly.

Monday 1 October 2012

News Title Sequence: rough cut

After filming in london with James, James and I began to edit the footage using abode premiere which we have used before at AS. 

We began editing by uploading the footage from the HD camera on to the program, which was a lot easier because these camera's were up to date as the media department had received new cameras. To upload the footage we opened the adobe premiere program, then went on 'organize' and 'get media' and then 'DV Camcorder' where we found our footage and uploaded it. After this we began organising the sequence of our footage as well as cutting out the unnecessary footage. This was a long and boring process and we had to watch and re watch the clips in order to make sure all the unwanted lips were deleted like the clips were the camera was slanted etc.. 

To make the sequence look more authentic (like the BBC's news title sequence) me and james decided to speed up the footage this was achieved by left clicking on the clips and going on 'time stretch...' which allows us to speed up or slow down the clip by typing in the speed we want it to go. We changed the speed of each clip to 600% at first but that just wasn't fast enough and so we changed it to 700% but that still wasn't fast enough eventually we changed the speed to 800% which was just right.

After speeding up the clips we added the animated logo that james had been working on, on Anime Studio Debut on Mac, to the end of the sequence of clips. We then added the theme tune to the sequence by going on 'organize' 'get media' and then file and folder where we found our theme tune and uploaded it. We then cut the sound track down in order to finish when the sequence of clips did, but we left 5 seconds more of the sound at the end so we can have the audio track fading out at the end.

Next we decided to add some transitions and effects to the clip because it felt a tad dull towards the end of the clip. To add transitions to the sequence we clicked on 'edit' then 'transition' and began playing around with the different transitions. The main transition we used near the beginning of the sequence was the 'Cube Spin' which made the clip move in a cube form to the next clip. We used this transition because it wasn't to over the top and distracting. In other sections of the sequence where we used the 'Cube Spin' we made it move in reverse order so it didn't seem to repetitive.

After showing our media teacher our rough sequence she felt that it was still at tad boring and repetitive and so we thought that it would be best to film more clips of different parts of London, iconic places such as london bridge. We also felt that it would be best for james to edit it at home as he used an exclusive program to Macs called Motion 5, in which the schools Macs do not have, and professional graphic artists use.


Saturday 29 September 2012

Looking at different logo designs

The BBC:

The BBC's logo uses a basic colour scheme of dark red and white. The logo consists on the letters BBC written in bold font within 3 white squares. Although it’s a simple logo its effective in that it stands out and can be recognised easily by the public as the BBC has become one of the most distinctive brands internationally, now used across a variety of platforms and recognised with immediacy and clarity by millions of people around the world.


The CNN logo consists of a very definite structure to impose power; it is featured in a gracious fashion, illustrating every character of the CNN logo. The CNN logo is shaded in red, the red tint signifies the authoritative character of the brand. The inscribed initials ‘CNN’ are merged together in the CNN logo as it’s written in joint form this also brings forth a calming effect as the letters are smoothly joined together. The fonts are in bold typeface and truly depict the strong attitude held by the CNN Company. CNN logo has maintained a stable representation over the years. The CNN logo provides an elegant network identity which enhances the company attributes. 

itv NEWS :

ITV News.svg

The colours of yellow and black integrate the brand more closely with ITV1 as a channel, instead of ITV as a whole. The logo which added a gradient and rounded corners to it in 2010 has become a more bold and powerful logo, as well as showing its viewers that itv NEWS are current and upto date with technology. In some ways it shows its views that it means business, ITV News adopted the new design as well - reaffirming the fact that the brand is now meant to be closely affiliated with ITV1 as a channel.


The Sky News logo changed its direction from up and down to horizontal direction. The Sky News logo uses a simple red, white and black colour scheme that has an impact because the brand itself is a well-known all over the UK. The current logo has gradient and rounded corners which emphasises its power, and commands the attention of its viewers. This current logo was gradually phased in during April and May 2010. It first appeared for the Sky News Election Debate on April 22. It was launched in full on May 6, 2010.

Channel 4 News.svg 

The channel 4 news logo incorporates the channel 4 logo of a 3D '4' which allows for its audience to know that it associates itself with the channel. The logo uses a colour scheme of purple and white which is different to the typical colour schemes of other news channels that usually use red, blue or white. In some ways this diverse colour scheme draws in the channels usual audience but attracts a new range of viewers, a younger audience.

From looking at all these news logos we have discovered that a simple look has more of an impact on the audience becaue it presents a powerful, strong look and isn't in your face.
